Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Brain cancer - Happy new year indeed

The view from the hospital for the city fireworks was pretty great. The display is so big, you never get to appreciate the full thing until you see it from a balcony on the 8th floor of POWH. A bourbon and a cigar would have really completed the scene.

Various medical staff kept visiting in the morning to prep me for surgery. Lots of needles sucking stuff out of me or pushing stuff into me. I'm not good with needles so that was pretty rough. Breakfast was innocently but tantalizingly left by my bed... And even though it barely rates as food, it counts in the 'nil by mouth' regimen. Soon enough I was attached to a drip, arms covered in bruises, awaiting my fate.

Time dragged on. I haven't mentioned Jacqui much but of course she's here most of the time. We have walks through the halls, discussing the pros and cons of the treatment, and keeping me updated on the kids massive social life. (We are so grateful to the families that are minding our girls for so many hours - the girls are having such a great time, I'm not sure they know I'm sick!) I was getting sleepy just before lunchtime so Jac went for a walk. The next thing i knew, a nurse woke me at 2pm to tell me surgery was cancelled.

The nurses kindly (or is that sadistically) left me a couple of egg sandwiches. Jacqui took a more sympathetic approach and went out for coffee, chips, and sushi. I spent the next 2hrs filling up as I realised I'll be starved again from midnight tonight.

The prospect of doing the whole thing again tomorrow doesn't appeal but I am really grateful I didn't have to wait until 8pm to find out the day was a waste. Jacqui, where's the bourbon?


  1. Hi Don, its your big bro.
    We now know you are in surgery today and my prayer is that God will sustain you through this experience and you come to know him too. Please dont harden your heart to Gods mercey Don. I love you too much.
    Keep up the blog, it's good to get the message from the horses mouth, so to speak. Jac does a great job keeping the family up to date and I let Mum and Dad know. I will have to show him how to get on to this page.
    See you soon mate.
    All my love and xox from Eva.
    Tone (Now to get this posted??)

  2. Hey Don

    No disrespect to God but forget his mercy as is seems you are already experiencing that - let modern medicine and its trained staff and your internal fortitude and family love and support do its thing and grag your sorry butt over the line and get better mate!! Let's raise a glass or two soon

    Cheers and beers

    Alan King
