Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Brain cancer Feb 19

But wait - there's more.

I have a problem called aphaisa. Actually, I have 3:

  • Aphasia - difficulty with aspects of communication (eg. Naming things, reading, writing)
  • Apraxia - difficulty initiating and coordinating movements
  • Dysarthria - affects speaking by a weakness in the muscles of the mouth/face/tongue (eg. Slurred speech)
So this doesn't effect intelligence, solving problems, or making decisions.  But it makes getting heard very difficult (which is why I never answer the phone or send texts). I also write everything with my left hand (including this) so I have a long way to go before I get better. I also have team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, and radio surgeons supporting me.  What makes me happiest, though, is the love and encouragement coming from my 3 girls: Jacqui, Juliette, and Isabel. (I couldn't have survived without them.)


I have just learned that I am being kicked this Friday. This is great news but I'm mindfull of the strain this will place on Jacqui as my therapys have not yet finished. So don't ring me up just yet.